Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The exciting life I live

My life is super exciting.
Today, for example, was thrilling.
We have embraced the 21st century and purchased cell phones that were actually designed in this millennium.
Hopefully they will work better ... although I may have been responsible for their malfunction in the tiniest of ways.
{NOTE TO SELF: Do not allow Ezzy to use the new phone no matter how much he says he needs it; it will inexorably be saturated with saliva and then become defunct.}
And we did a potty training test-run with Ryan.
We soaked through five, no six pairs of panties ... in three hours.
I have never used the word panties so many times.
It is kind of a funny word if you think about it.
Anyway, as I mentioned before, my life is VERY exciting.
Ahhh ...


Rachael said...

Hey! Your life sounds like mine!!!

Britney said...

I am happy about the phones, yeah!! Yeah, i did the panties the other day too, 3 pairs later we were in a diaper and jammies! See you soon! Can't wait!