Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arrgggg ... we be pirates!

Ryan's hair is awesome in the morning.
She always wakes up with a curly 'fro.
But yesterday it was particularly ludicrous.
Does anyone else notice a resemblance?

(The hair is the only likeness I am referring to ... hehe ... so cute.)

Gene Wilder a.k.a. Willy Wonka

On a different note ...

Not only do we have Gene but we have a pirate as well.
Ezzy started crawling!
He has been working on it for about a month.
But he has really gotten his sea legs lately.
And by sea legs I mean he uses one knee and one foot to get around.
Kinda like a pirate with a wooden peg leg.
It seems to be working fairly efficiently.

Now nothing in the house is safe.
I am starting to realize that our home isn't very baby-proof.
Better work on that.

What a big boy!
So proud of my two sillies.


Rachael said...

They are so cute! I LOOOOOVE Ryan's hair. That is so awesome. And who couldn't love a little pegleg?!

Britney said...

Ezra doesn't even look like a baby, he is such a little man. SO cute!! I like the picture of ryans hair too....and the pic of willy wonka. Her hair looks much softer though.... :)