Because secretly I wanted to show off my cute shirt.
That, and I have not one, tiny creative brain cell left in my head.
I cannot, for the life of me, think of one new thing to post about.
I am actually becoming bored with this post as I write it.
I might just be a big baby whiner and spend all my spare time thinking about how much I want to have this baby,
on the outside of me.
Not that I am not grateful for his wiggly baby self cooking away in there,
but I am ready.
Told you.
Big whiner here.
You are adorable! I love the shirt :) I can't wait to see him on the outside of u also!
You're so cute and SO close!!!
Your bored, okay. Here's something to stew about. I cut my own hair. Is that wrong. I have no proper training mind you. Why did I do it? I fear it looks....eh....ridiculous. What am I supposed to do about my illogical thinking that I could do it myself? Do you cut your own sometimes....if so how the heck do you fix it?
And....since I know you KNOW hair like you KNOW pregnancy....is it side swoop bang or straight forward bang. I cannot make up my mind.
I just need someone to tell me what to do.
Your hair queen. I will pay for your advice:).
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