Wednesday, October 20, 2010

You know you're a redneck when...

you have a fender in your closet ...

and the rest of a car's innards in the corner. I kid. I do not believe that we are true rednecks, but if I have to spend many more nights tripping over buckets and such on my way to get my beauty sleep I'm going to end up with more than a motor oil-induced high. Here's crossing our fingers that the engine rebuild is finished soon.

And onto other unrelated autumn festivities:

Our kids attended their first costume party. It was a pirate birthday bash thrown for some of their friends. It was really fun to see 20 mini pirates invade our local park but made it hard to keep track of the kids under their buccaneer disguise. (I tried to give Ezra a Captain Hook 'stach, but he ended up looking like a Frenchman. However, he did manage to keep his makeup smudge-free and looked just as debonair when the celebration was over.)

Ryan and I made wax leaves. I got the idea from a friend (thanks Jen) and they turned out very life-like. Super pretty and easy-peasy to boot.

This isn't really autumn related but is just another testament as to why I love the Goodwill. Could this picture frame be any cuter? It is mega heavy too, definitely worth more than the .99 cents I payed for it. It was a steal and I love it with all my heart. Suckas.

Some cookies we decorated with friends during our annual (two years in a row definitely qualifies as an annual event) Halloween get-together. I do not claim to be a decorating expert but I wanted proof that I do creative, fun things with my kids sometimes, hence the semi-boring pictures. And by the way, Ezra has managed to pick off all the candy corns from said cookies behind my back in a sneaky-like fashion.

And last but not least, another shot of the kids for good measure. They insist on being snuggled before they go to sleep. And because I am a genius (and slightly impatient) I showed them that they could snuggle together instead of with me (that way I could catch up on my blogging). Don't worry, I do do most of the snuggling myself but some nights I am snuggled out and need a little down time. I mean, I love these babies, but I love me some Modern Family and ice cream too.

And finally, a little memo:
To the men that own and supervise the management of Parkview apartments: As much as you think you are so clever with your micro-managing and intolerance, I believe that your poor people skills and snobbery with eventually catch up to you. It will translate into unhappy tenants and less money in your pockets. And since money and appearances seem to be all that matters, at the expense of disgruntled employees and unpopular reputations, you will undoubtedly end up with just those things and nothing else. It is disappointing to have to deal with men with limited perspective and little common sense. Why blow something completely out of proportion when all you have to do is simply ask? (Debbie, this certainly does NOT mean you.)
Well, on that happy note, I must push off and head to bed. Nighty-night happy readers!


Rachael said...

You have such cute little pirates! And who doesn't love some Modern Family/ice cream time? It's a need, really.

Debbie said...

I AGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate this job. Wait- you might have already heard me say it a few times before...

Sierra said...

So, totally forgot to make more cookies to take home...and forgot to take my camera for pictures.
Maybe it's better that way so Seth's not stealing them.

amydear said...

Don't memos make you feel better? I love your graphic bedding, your kids are super cute, and there is no way you are a redneck. Scott? Maybe. Just sayin'.