Our first week of rotations went fairly well.
Only about 723 more to go.
And because I have nothing interesting to share, I will therefore be pestering you with some rather obscure thoughts.
Numero uno, I may or may not have felt a little smug when Scott told me he needed to finish vacuuming and organizing his closet before leaving his "dorm" at the VA hospital, and that his non-married roomies were, for lack of a better word, slobs.
Once you get used to a certain standard of cleanliness, there is no going back.
Even if it is a slightly neurotic and unrealistic standard.
Set by one's wife.
I am just saying.
And may I just say pregnancy flatulence is borderline out of control.
TMI? Sorry. You know you all had it.
And as far as my mothering skills are concerned, I feel they may be deteriorating in relationship with Scott's departure.
For ever day he is away, my patience shrinks exponentially smaller.
Good thing he will be home on weekends.
And speaking of haircuts or lack thereof, Ryan is begging to grow out her hair.
Is it mean to force her to keep her perfectly adorable style?
I mean, I know what is best and will also be held responsible when she looks back on childhood pictures of herself.
Plus, if her hair is anything like mine, she will end up with a head of hair as thick as a My Little Pony's mane. (That one is for you Tracy :)
So to wrap things up, here are a few photos of my latests acquisitions:
I am not sure how I lived without it before.
I smile every time I see it.
And the best part is that I got in on sale at Target and purchased it with a gift card. Booyah.
Well, I am off. Scott is returning any minute and I can't wait.
I will probably kiss his face off.