And it's not because Scott goes back to school and I get much more done and the kids aren't nearly so wound up ... okay it is that too.
But in all seriousness, I crave the normalcy and schedules that typically accompany the new year.
I can't wait to have the kids in bed at the same time every night, dinner at the same time, with Scott focused (and his distracting mornings of Maury Povich and internet surfing which prevent me from any productivity whatsoever so over) .... theoretically.
Plus, I like that it always feels like the beginning of something.
I get excited to tackle projects, recommit myself to take the kids to library story-time every week, and this year I am going to organize/teach a pre-preschool for Ryan.
I feel like pawing through our apartment and purging it of any clutter, and making soup.
And, can I also just say, I love fall.
The colors, the sweaters, jeans, cool weather, rain.
I am a sucker for it all.
I feel like running outside with my arms thrown wide open and belting U2's, "Beautiful Day."
But that might result in a few rude stares and I am not looking to ruin anyone's loverly autumn.
I am actually feeling slightly harebrained and perhaps I didn't get enough sleep, and I am listening to some sort of techno music on Pandora, so that might explain this strange post.
Anyway, a few random pictures from the last week or so.
And let me tell you, it was quite the feat getting Ryan into her bunk while dead asleep. My babies are so darn cute.
p.s. A few other tidbits to end our summer on a high note: (the last one being the most serious problem)
1) Scott's car is broken and needs a new starter
2) He also lot his friggin' wedding ring while fishing in the ocean ... awesome
3) When I went to get my hair trimmed, the stylist cut my bangs too short and now I look like Edna from the "Incredibles."