Thursday, February 2, 2012

Watch and be amazed

Okay, so I am back to post something super important.
Change your life important, people.
These next few anticdotes will make you laugh, perhaps cry, and maybe even pee your pants a little.
Just take my word for it.
And prepare to be here for a few minutes.
Minutes well worth it.
What am I talking about?
I'll just come out and say it:
I am not typically a watcher of YouTube, but every once in a while something crosses my path and then I have to tell everyone I know to watch it too, while simultaneously confirming to them what a weirdo I am with my immature sense of humor.
Well, having said that, let's move along.

Numero uno: The Honey badger.
As a preface to this video, please pardon the narrator's French.
And by French, I absolutely mean profanity.
He drops the F-bomb twice.
So if you don't like cursing (I for one, love it) then you may just want to watch it anyway.
It is effing hilarious.
The Honey Badger

(Just copy and paste the link I guess, 'cause I am not much of a computer techie and don't know how to post videos. Sorry I am such a loser.)

Next on the ticket?
The Sexy Sax Man.
You may have seen the spin-off on SNL, but this is much better.
So. Funny.

Sexy Sax Man

And lastly is the band Walk Off The Earth.
This video isn't so much funny as it is awesome.
They all have really cool scratchy, sexy voices.
And are all playing the guitar ... the same guitar.
My dad and Heather showed me this one and I watched it like half a dozen times.
A little part of me wishes I could scream-sing too.

Somebody That I Used to Know - Walk Off The Earth

You're welcome.


Sierra said...

Somebody I used to know rocks my socks. Love it!
Also, thanks for the laugh!...Now I have careless whisper stuck in my head.

Kristina said...

I almost choked to death watching the honey badger! I haven't laughed that hard in a while. Thank you for the entertainment.. it made my entire day!

Lana said...

Mark and I showed Somebody I use to Know to your dad and Heather a few weeks back. I love the video! I liked how you described their voices too- spot on! I wish I had a cool voice too. I can't wait to watch the other two.


I love that song! Somebody I Used to Know. So good.